Did you know that Harleysville, PA is a village? Yep, it’s not a town, it’s a village. Hmmm, what’s the difference? A village is larger than a hamlet but smaller than a town. In the olden days Harleysville was a small rural home to many farms and beautiful country roads. To me, that sounds like village living. I’m glad that Harleysville is still considered a village. I like that I live in one.
There’s another kind of village. I’m pretty sure you’ve heard the African proverb that states “it takes a village to raise a child”. In other words it takes a community of people to work together to create a healthy environment where anybody can prosper, grow and feel safe. Thankfully I have my own little village that fits that description.
As life has presented me with challenges, my village people have come together in uncountable ways to help me keep it together. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths to which my friends, family and even complete strangers are willing to go to assure that I am able to live the best possible life. It is very humbling.
The fact that I am not driving has presented me with logistical and emotional fallout like I never imagined. First I was embarrassed and felt helpless and needy when I asked for a ride. Fast forward a few months and I have gotten over myself and my chauffeurs have it down pat. I have a regular ride to the hair salon, which usually includes lunch and shopping. My neighbor and friend takes me for blood work. Yet another friend drives totally out of her way to take me to physical therapy. Family members are there for me for every reason imaginable. I am truly blessed.
My village also includes remarkable emotional support. It’s not a surprise that adapting to necessary lifestyle changes wreaks havoc with my psyche. I am fortunate to have folks, some professionals and some very dear friends who help me work through that very tough part of my quest to live as well as I can.
Some villagers are total strangers to me. They are the service providers who do my shopping and deliveries. There are many people that aid me in various medical care roles. Amazon and the many online stores that I regularly use are part of my strategy for making the best of it.
We had painters here for a few weeks. Their work coincided with a very busy appointment schedule for me. The painters were witnesses to a veritable parade of friends and family who helped me get to where I needed to be. I frequently introduced the painters to the many friends and family members who were carting me around. It must have made an impact on them. To my surprise one of them remarked that I have many people who love me. I know that but it felt really good to know that someone else was able to appreciate the numerous and loving members of my village.
It certainly does take a village. Not only do I live in one but I am also surrounded and cared for by another kind of village. Pretty special, don’t you think?